Let's Partner

Mary Herndon Palmer

Digital Creative Specialist

mary herndon palmer

Mary Herndon Palmer

Digital Creative Specialist

Meet Mary Herndon Palmer, our Digital Creative Specialist at fuze32! As a Digital Creative Specialist, Mary revels in the freedom of creativity and the enthusiastic collaboration within the fuze32 team.

Beyond the digital canvas, Mary’s life is teeming with diverse interests. With a green thumb, she derives joy from gardening, especially growing vegetables and herbs. A true bookworm, Mary takes pleasure in immersing herself in fiction, while her baking pursuits often center around crafting delightful chocolate desserts.

Mary has a passion for the gym and shouldn’t be underestimated – she can deadlift 300 lbs and back squat 200 lbs!

In terms of professional expertise, Mary brings a wealth of experience to fuze32. She spent seven years as a marketing coordinator at Hy-Vee, followed by a year at the creative agency Stokeship. Armed with a degree in Communication from Mizzou, Mary is largely self-taught, showcasing her passion and dedication to the world of digital creativity.

In terms of family, Mary is happily married to Josh and they have two charming dogs.